Notice is hereby given for the 2023 Victorian Athletic League, Annual General Meeting.
WHEN: Sunday 25th June 2023
WHERE: Cathy Freeman Room, Lakeside Stadium, Ground Floor, 31 Aughtie Drive, Albert Park.
TIME: 11:00am start, till 1pm
RSVP: Please confirm if your Club will be in attendance (in person or online) or an apology by 5pm on Thursday 22nd June 2023.
A hybrid AGM format will be available, with delegates able to attend in person or online via Zoom. Those appearing online will be required to complete any voting on the relevant forms, via email prior to the AGM – please advise the Executive Officer if you intend on attending online and require a copy of the relevant voting forms prior to the meeting.
Member clubs will have the opportunity to raise agenda items during the General Business section of the meeting. Please note all items need to be communicated via email in advance to, by Sunday 11th June 2023.
Athlete & Trainer members are welcome and encouraged to attend the AGM as observers, please note you must advise of your attendance prior to the meeting by emailing
Club delegates, Athletes, Trainers and friends are invited to join a public forum immediately following the AGM. The purpose of the forum is to discuss and assess the future of the VAL, discussions from the forum may be used to expand the Leagues Strategic Plan and current processes to ensure the League’s continued success into the future.
The VAL has four Committee positions to fill at the 2023 AGM, if you wish to nominate for the position of VAL committee member, please find the appropriate nomination form HERE.
All candidates for Committee Members of the Association other than the representatives of the Victorian Runners and Trainers Association, shall be nominated to the Annual General Meeting by a Member not later than 14 days before the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
All nominees are required to be nominated by a current VAL Club, as defined within the VAL constitution.
All candidates must be nominated by a committee member of a Club which has:
(a) Paid or satisfied all fines and penalties against it to the Association;
(b) Conducted a sports meeting during the immediate past financial year of the Association unless cancelled under VAL Regulation subsection 3.1; and
(c) Applied for registration and paid its current registration fee to the Association.
If you would like more information or to discuss your interest in nominating, please email and President Matthew McDonough will touch base with you to discuss further.
Nominations must be sent to and received by Sunday 11th June 2023.
Nominees for the VAL Committee for seasons 23/24 - 24/25 can be found HERE