Start marks are calculated & published for Established athletes in each 'regular event' category only.
On Going Assessed (OGA) athletes will receive the same handicap that they were last allocated in that particular event, subject to adjustment by the handicapper for factors such as winning penalties to be carried forward, breaking of Start Target Time in an event last season, age, or other factors deemed applicable by the handicapper.
For an explanation of Established and OGA criteria, please refer to the VAL Handicap Regulations under 'Athlete Status and Categories'.
To understand how a 'Start Mark' is calculated, refer to the VAL Handicap Regulations under 'Season Start Marks' HERE
Please note Start Marks are not calculated for Junior, Restricted & non-Regular Events (i.e. 200m events).
If you feel your published 'Start Mark' is incorrect please follow the below steps -
1. Review the VAL Handicap Regulations HERE
2. If after reviewing the above, you're still unsure, please email and ensure you include the following information:
- Your (or your athletes) Full Name
- Athlete ID
- The event category and distance you seek clarification on (i.e. Masters 300m)
- The details of your concern or query relevant to the category and distance you have identified above.
Please send handicap queries to